“Jonathan can give you more meaningful and actionable insight in an hour than most people can give in a week. He is also a great listener, and I’ve lost count of the times he has just plain blown my mind with his unique way of analyzing a problem or situation and coming back with a solution I never, ever would have thought of in a hundred years. Yep, he’s that good.” – Terry St. Marie, Angel Investor, Cable industry consultant & founder of Built Oregon
Thinking of working with me in some capacity? Or checking out any of the programs or experiences I’ve been involved in creating?
Fantastic! I’m guessing it’d help to know what others who have come before you have said. So, I created this page to share a selection, from a variety of experiences. There’s a ton more than this, but in the interest of trying to make it digestible, I’m just sharing more of a sampling for you.
Immediately below are thoughts from graduates of variations program. Following that are many links to media features, ranging from The New York Times, FastCompany and Inc., to Entrepreneur, CNN, USA Today, ELLE and many more.
And More
“Jonathan’s insight and guidance has been instrumental in my getting my own messaging right for products and services. So much so that having him review what I’m releasing in advance of getting it out there. “Being known” is good, but “being known for the right thing that people actually want” is what you’re really going after. Jonathan is a master at teaching people how to help people get known in the right way – show up, take notes, apply, excel.” – Charlie Gilkey, bestselling author, CEO of Productive Flourishing
“As a personal branding / digital business builder it’s easy to be constricted within my own container and point of view. I’m too close to my work. Jonathan is my go to for perspective, strategic advice and help with positioning my business brands and myself. His birds eye view of the Internet business world combined with his purpose and profit mindset is the voice I seek and trust when in need of guidance. As a student of a few of Jonathan’s programs I’ve learned to dig deeper, listen better and connect more emotionally to my target market to help solve their pain. I began working with Jonathan in 2012 and I’ve become more focused, self-assured and profitable ever since.” – Rachel Gogos, founder of MyPath101 and BrandiD
“Over the last few years, I’ve made the move from coach to teacher, presenter and now the founder of the fastest growing positive-psychology practitioner certification program in the world. Along the way, Jonathan has been both a valued mentor and a trusted source of clarity and strategic insight on everything from effective positioning, marketing and messaging to growing the bigger brand into what it is today. Maybe more important is his constant commitment to asking questions that encourage me to really think about not just the business I want to grow, but the life I hope it will enable. If you have the opportunity to work with him or participate in the experiences he creates, make it happen.” – Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, founder of The Flourishing Center and CAPP
“Jonathan Fields is someone who can do it all. He worked for the man as a lawyer, created (and sold) a brick and mortar business, authored two books, and built several web businesses. Oh, and he’s a GREAT speaker and storyteller. But what really makes Fields awesome is that he manages to do all of this without ever compromising his ethics and morals. So, yes, he’s an outstanding business strategist, but he’s also just and all around good guy too.” – Derek Halpern, founder of Social Triggers
“Jonathan Fields was a role model for me for years before he became a personal friend. I trust his business judgement because I have learned so much from him about how to grow a profitable and mission-centered small business. I trust his creative judgement knowing the voracious appetite he has for digesting the very best research and information. I trust his personal judgement by witnessing the care and concern he shows for his family. Anything Jonathan puts his mind to, he puts his heart to.” – Pam Slim, bestselling author of Body of Work
Art of Becoming Known grads
“This training has been a game-changer for my business….
I’ve been a successful entrepreneur for years, but wanted to take things to the next level, so I signed up for The Art of Becoming Known. The in-depth curriculum was incredibly helpful and the generous, hands-on guidance from the team helped me work through challenges and see things I’d been having trouble seeing on my own. The program helped me understand exactly who my ideal client was (and maybe, more important, who it wasn’t), how to package and price my services in a way that made so much more sense (and is designed to also make my life a whole lot easier), and how attract those dream clients. The program participants were also wonderful and we’ve become close colleagues, who continue to support each other. For anyone looking to build a career around a specific type of expertise, The Art of Becoming Known is a great way to hit the ground running!” – Joe Somodi, Lifestyle Concierge & Founder of 2020Yoga
The Art of Becoming Known is a rich and powerful program, and I felt privileged to be part of it.
“In a world full of information noise, Art of Becoming Known was the perfect program to gain clarity about how, why and what to create what’s next – Version 2.0, personally and professionally. It is a powerful program – practical, comprehensive and extraordinarily thought provoking – from both a learning and experiential standpoint. I felt privileged to be part of a diverse group of multi-dimensional professionals carefully chosen by Jonathan and his team.
The agenda and materials shared are chock full of practical, cutting edge ‘how to’ get it done information and advice. Jonathan opened the door on his business, with generous in-depth sharing of his experience and resources – including his choices and mistakes – he used to build his multi-tiered platform. For me, the icing on the cake of this exceptional experience was the guidance in critical foundational thinking. Jonathan and his team challenged us to take a deep dive exploration of the motivations and intentions informing how we make our choices and decisions. This 360 degree thinking about our professional development in terms of service, leadership and impact – together with the personal, professional and financial implications – was brilliant.
I believe these critical thinking tools will save me an enormous amount of time, energy and financial resources as I seek to build a business I love. Brainstorming possibility and thinking through how playing bigger can potentially play out in the real world, together with liked-minded peers and the professional staff resources on hand, left me hugely optimistic and motivated. I absolutely loved it and we all continue to be supported by an active group, many of whom will be friends for life.” – Constance Klein, Chief Talent Scout, Scout Talent
…truly given me the focus, clarity, and courage I needed!
The incredibly well thought out curriculum, Jonathan’s depth of experience (both in terms of research and in-the-trenches practical experience), and the precisely curated group of participants. With regard to just the curriculum, I REALLY loved the focus on avatars and getting into alignment with your positioning statement + mechanism… Just loved it! The seminar has truly given me the focus, clarity, and courage I needed! I thought it was perfection. Truly.” – Susie DeVille, Founder & CEO, Innovation & Creativity Institute
…it gave me the extra courage and support that I needed to take my idea, put action behind it and get it out into the world.
“This past year I have been pivoting my career from being an expert in the world of fitness to a relative beginner in the world of entrepreneurship. I was beginning to spin my wheels in terms of mindset and next steps and knew I needed help. I have followed and loved Jonathan’s work for many years but in a world where I feel “sold to” every day I had been holding off committing to a live program. The program gave me something I didn’t realize I was craving. Validation. A “Helz Yes” that the work I was creating will make an impact in the world and at the same time allow me to make an income that we need to live in this world. An idea is just an idea until you put it out into the world. With Jonathan’s supportive feedback both verbal and by his way of being, along with the other incredible like minded members, it gave me the extra courage and support that I needed to take my idea, put action behind it and get it out into the world.” – Petra Kolber, creator of Moving to Happiness and The Perfection Detox
The depth of learning I experienced in this program was beyond description. It’s almost like I took a compressed MBA entrepreneurial program…
The whole program for me was incredible… 1. I have clarity about where to put my time and attention. 2. I have clear scripts about how to convert 3. I totally GET copywriting like I didn’t before. 4. The conversion flow map gave me so much value. 5. I’ve got access to an ongoing supportive community of like-minded people. The depth of learning I experienced in this program was beyond description. It’s almost like I took a compressed MBA entrepreneurial program, and in addition to the strategy and tactics, I also got heart-centered questions and reminders. The program filled in gaps I didn’t even know I had. I came to the program to take my business to the next level and that is already happening. What I didn’t realize I was getting was a roadmap that I will reference again and again as I move up again and again.” – Maggie Graham, Introvert Career Whisperer